"Concert Aspelt" So, 13. November 2022 16:00
Château Aspelt, 37, rue Pierre d’Aspelt, L-5710 Aspelt
Ryoko Yano, Violine
Ilan Schneider, Bratsche
Lucas Henry, Cello
Richard Strauss : Variationen über "Das Dirndl is harb auf mi" 7`
Franz Schubert : Trio à cordes D 581 22`
Allegro moderato – Andante – Menuetto: allegretto - Rondo: allegretto
Zoltan Kodaly : Intermezzo for String Trio 6`
Fritz Kreisler : Marche miniature viennoise 15`
Liebesfreud, Liebesleid, Schöne Rosmarin, Marche miniature viennoise
Limited seats available
Entry fee : 15,-€ / Cashier
Commission de la Culture
Reservation before 10.11.2022
Telephone : 23 66 84 08 - 1 or
Email : reception@frisange.lu
Concerts extra-muros
These concerts are given outside the “walls” of the Philharmonie. We have noticed that there exists a great interest all over the country to re-enact some of the concerts-apéritif, especially in places like castles, churches, parks, and festival halls. Meanwhile the d'Frënn vun de Lëtzebuerger Philharmoniker have become an intermediary between potential organisers of extra muros concerts (such as municipal authorities, various cultural and business associations, to mention but a few) and the chamber music ensembles of the Luxembourg Philharmonic themselves. Should you be interested in organizing such an “extra muros” concert, do not hesitate and contact us via the following link: concerts@amisopl.lu or at our postal address.